Saturday, September 12, 2009

World Wide Web Of Inspiration

Recently got into StumbleUpon and it led me to this site full of a number of inspirational quotes. I was skimming through and one quote in particular stuck out.

"One who looks for a friend without faults will have none."

The site for those interested: Guess I should probably take these sort of things on board. I'm a bit of an offender in this regard.



  1. hahahaha, nice quote. i like people with faults, makes them interesting. I mean perfect people would get annoying. haha

  2. Benneth (ie. Nordeau),

    Hello my future slave worker. Old psychotic lady signing in after my grandson just dropped by and taught me how to turn on this darned computer-thing again...

    Well, it’s been a long time since my heavily-prescriptioned lenses have penetrated your blog and I’m afraid I’ve become slightly out of touch with the youth lingo of today. I think it is important to acknowledge the language of younger generations as it lowers my decrepit years and also makes me feel like I have not been made redundant or ambiguous over the years... YO, FOOL.

    Anyway, my evil lair (which is the menace of Pension Town) has been thriving since I wrote you my last comment. We are making so many hot pink and lime scarves that MI6 are after us, and I’ve been forced to stage my own death (I pretended to have a heart attack while sky-diving).
    I apologise for never getting around to kidnapping you on account that as I hobbled at the speed of lightning towards my golf buggie to drive by your house, a number of misfortunes occurred –
    - my cane snapped,
    - the right lense of my glasses exploded, and
    - my right leg randomly began high-kicking with the speed, youth and agility of Ash Ketchum before he throws a pokeball
    These rendered me incapable of any hardcore mugging.

    Well, as much as I would like to go on and on, my secret spy cameras in your home have detected you have finished taking a shower and have returned to the computer. (Note: that statement isn’t sleazy because I’m and old lady whose merely looking out for her future-number-one-unpaid-employer. Hygiene is a high priority in Pension Town!)

    I look forward to kidnapping you.

    Hip Grandma

  3. Its actually very....true. But, when has friendship ever been about perfection? Its about sticking through thick and thin, not trying to make them better.

    Anyway, interesting quote.

  4. "But, when has friendship ever been about perfection? Its about sticking through thick and thin, not trying to make them better." that was very true actually. Profound even. :P Kind of just learnt this myself heh.
